Today, in our home-made miso making class, we made white miso from scratch, which will be ready to eat after one month or so. Also, we cooked all sorts of menus using white miso,
i.e., Tofu topped with sweet miso sauce (豆腐の白練り味噌添え), fresh tuna tossed with vinegared miso sauce (マグロのぬた), miso soup with turnip (かぶの味噌汁), rice balls
topped with seared miso paste (焼き味噌おにぎり), and dorayaki with sweet miso paste (味噌あんのどら焼き).
We are so grateful that she was able to participate in our cooking class during her limited stay in Japan.
Wish she can enjoy tasty home-made white miso at home as well💕